This website is not the complete website but only an extract of the news. This is primarily for a quick overview and search. The actual article is linked in the title. In addition, the pictures are missing and the formatting is not correct.

The FireBee FreeMiNT Setup 2022


To celebrate the tenth anniversary of our first multitasking setup, this is a completely new MiNT installation. All programs are up to date. A number of new user programs have also found their way in and can be used immediately in the usual pre-installed way.

The project, which was largely implemented by Jo Even Skarstein at the time, has been driven forward by Latz over the last few years. In years of tireless work for our platform, we were able to put together a very respectable and, under the circumstances, up-to-date operating system with over 50 modern user programs. Our special thanks go to all the external programmers who have allowed us to pre-install their software or have made it available under free licences anyway.

In this context we would like to point out that we as the ACP team did not coded most of the operating system and its sub-areas, as well as the user programs, and therefore cannot be responsible for their functionality or support. Finally, the credit must go to those who deserve it, namely the hundreds of people all over the world who create various software titles and operating system parts for the Atari platform, mostly in their spare time. First and foremost, the contributors to the FreeMiNT project who continue to provide our platform with a modern multitasking operating system overlay under a free licence.

Our FireBee FreeMiNT setup, as usual, can be unpacked directly onto a compact flash card and run under FireTOS. EmuTOS, as before, does not work with it! In any case, we recommend a separate empty CF card. Unpacking on an already existing installation makes no sense because of the new file/folder structure and is only advisable in exceptional cases for very experienced people.

We hope to sweeten the start of the new year with this new system version and to have provided you with many exciting hours with your FireBees. From next year onwards, we will be contacting you more regularly as a project with the latest news, and hopefully we will finally be able to complete the delivery of the currently sold-out series.

EmuTOS 1.2 and 1.2.1


Major changes in EmuTOS 1.2:

- AES: Add support for 3D objects (enabled in 512k ROMs and PRG)
- AES: Add support for new menu_xxx() functions in AES 3.30
- AES: Allow up to 16 windows for versions with AES 3.30 support
- BIOS: Add interrupt-driven I/O for SCC serial ports
- EmuDesk: Resize screen memory in videl modes, just like TOS4
- General: Make FireBee ROMs single-language
- VDI: Fix crash under FreeMiNT with memory protect enabled

Other changes:

- AES: Display better error message if program launch failed
- AES: Improve error checking for wind_xxx() functions
- AES: Better looking separators in menus
- BDOS: Implement undocumented TOS function Srealloc()
- BIOS: Add support for IKBD/MIDI error vectors
- BIOS: Increase timeout for IDE transfers
- EmuDesk: Fix bug in 'Set file mask...'
- EmuDesk: Fix drag'n'drop bug with desktop icons
- EmuDesk: Display the 'busy' mouse cursor for some lengthy actions
- VDI: Allow Falcon video modes to be set in v_opnwk()
- VDI: Implement v_hardcopy()
- VDI: Speed up some VDI calls
- XBIOS: Implement undocumented TOS function VcheckMode()
- Many minor and/or obscure bugs have been fixed

Changes in EmuTOS 1.2.1:

There were only two changes to fix bugs in EmuTOS 1.2:
- AES: Fix accessories displaying an alert box
- AES: Correct process name in AES process descriptor

You can download latest version for your hardware from SourceForge site:
or from Dima Sobolev's TOS Images Collection:

Also Dima updated his TOS images recognition program to support latest EmuTOS version. Program could be downloaded from his site:

EmuTOS 1.1.1


Major changes in new EmuTOS version:

- AES: Add support for colour icons
- AES: Add support for colour windows
- BIOS: Add support for Falcon DSP
- BIOS: Add interrupt-driven I/O for MFP and TT-MFP serial ports
- BIOS: Improve Nova video card support in several areas
- EmuCON: Allow setting of EmuCON startup folder
- EmuCON: Initialise EmuCON default path from AES's PATH variable
- EmuDesk: Remove the non-standard 'menu click' preference
- General: Add online manual for EmuTOS
- General: Add support for Hungarian & Turkish languages
- General: Make the 512K ROMs single-language only

Other changes:

- AES: Handle '||' and ']]' correctly in form_alert()
- BIOS: Add early startup message so user knows we are alive
- BIOS: Add support for UltraSatan RTC
- BIOS: Fix keyboard tables for Norwegian/Russian/Swedish
- BIOS: Fix many small bugs in Falcon videl handling
- BIOS: Fix problem with slow ACSI device (Satandisk)
- BIOS: Improve support for Spectre GCR partitions
- BIOS: Speed up boot when no IDE drive is present
- EmuDesk: Fix 'install application' bug related to default viewer
- EmuDesk: Fix several bugs associated with desktop icons
- General: Add multiple-language 1024K ROM image (Hatari only)
- Many minor and/or obscure bugs have been fixed

New version for your hardware could be downloaded here:

Dima Sobolev updated his TOS images recognition program to support latest EmuTOS version. Program could be downloaded from his site:
Also new EmuTOS images were added to his TOS Images Collection:

HTTP 521 Webserver is down - Hardware failure at


The beginning of spring has not been kind to us, the weather is anything but springlike. It is wet, cold and not cosy at all. Actually, you'd rather want to hide your feet under a warm blanket, but then something really stupid happens. At the beginning of March, our web server - or to be more precise, our hard drive - broke down. And to make matters worse, we also had bad luck. The backups we've made were also on the same disk. Very unfortunate, but it happened. We can't change that now.

A new web server (from a backup of August 2020) was quickly made available, but now we have to restore the missing data from all available sources. Fortunately, the authors still have their pages and what is missing we can reconstruct thanks to the Internet Archives. As we are all working on this in our spare time, it may take a few more days to get back to the old status. Please excuse us!

What have we learned from this? Things that we cannot influence can happen. We have to be better prepared for the future. This means: "No more central backups on the server". Up to now, the backups have been copied to another root server which is located in the same data centre (OVH says hello). Therefore, the backups will soon be copied by team members to local computers and additionally stored in another data centre - geographically separated from each other.

But we also have positive things to report. The new server is much more powerful than the old one. The web pages should now be delivered much faster.

GFA Basic Editor (GBE) v3.7 Released


Features include:
- Build for 68k or Coldfire regardless of host machine.
- Added all missing AES calls up to AES v4.1, plus some N.AES calls.
- Added the most commonly used Bios, Xbios, Gemdos, VDI, and NVDI calls.
- Some new general purpose commands not related to the operating system.
- Built in STiK, MiNT-Net, LDG API's and more.
- Commands for game coding, like Joypad support, blitting with masks, SNDH, etc.
- Over 500 new commands.

Some of the new commands were inspired by GFA for Windows/DOS and HiSoft Basic.

Follow the download link at

New AHCC version released


Besides the bug fixes and improvements (the release notes can be found here), AHCC 6.0 only has binaries produced using AHCC itself (not Pure C), has improvements in the editor and handling of nested projects.

Henk is also looking for a future maintainer for AHCC. Contact him directly (see his website) if interested.

New Firmware, FPGA Configuration and FireTOS


All the improvements have been programmed by Medusa over the last years, and work pretty well at several dozen of machines. But, there have to be followed some precautions by you, as you could transfer your FireBee into a status, where you need external hardware, to rewrite something to the ROM and be able to boot again.

In first place there is the fact that this software is requiring each other! The new FPGA configuration needs the new BaS and the new FireTOS need also the new FPGA and vice versa! For the first time you have to flash all components directly consecutively, without rebooting the FireBee inbetween. Shouldn't you flash all 3 components at once, you will not be able to boot your FireBee anymore for now!

Please flash these new system software files from FireTOS only!! Do not use EmuTOS this time, because you could brick your FireBee with some previous firmware versions of BaS_gcc, while flashing from EmuTOS. This behaviour of BaS_gcc in combination with EmuTOS will be changed in future releases again, so the next time you can safely flash from EmuTOS again.

Than you have to respect, that you are not allowed to mix this components with older Systems, BaS or FPGA configurations! If you are flashing an old BaS with a new FPGA or a new FireTOS your FireBees will as well not boot anymore. You can of course switch back at any time to an older „complete package“, or in turn to this new software, as long as you are not mixing them, and always flashing all three components at once.

At last it has to be mentioned that BaS and FPGA are insufficiently tested with BaS_(gcc) and/or EmuTOS. Even though few developers have the combination „latest BaS_(gcc)“ and latest FPGA and latest EmuTOS in use and so far no problems, we cannot make a general statement for it. An elaborate test series will follow in the upcoming weeks and we will notify you subsequently here at this point.

But we belive that we can expect you to go through all of this, and that you are capable of flashing your FireBees with FLASH060.PRG at one go, and in doing so not incapacitating your boards en masse. A further deferral of the release of this new software would be disproportionate to the expectable problems.

Please note as well the order, in which you have to flash the here published components:

1.) BaS
2.) FPGA
3.) FireTOS

Now about the improvements:


  • There is now a scan at bootup how fast CF-Cards/IDE are. At booting the presence and speed of the CompactFlash-Cards and IDE devices are requested and SpeedReg is set (in three steps).

  • The bootup of the DVI-Chip got reworked, and now all registers of DVI are correctly initialized.

  • The version date is now shown at the serial port.


  • The Blitter got implemented! 16- or 24-bit bit depth blitting works perfectly screen to screen (recently no memory to screen or screen to memory). Lower bitplane blits (1, 2, 4 and 8 bitplanes) produce pixel errors, and need more work.

  • There is now a much faster access to the CompactFlash-Cards/IDE because of the scanned speed inside BaS, taking into account SpeedReg.

  • Data transfer from CF/IDE is now even possible at the adress 0xFFF0'00xx with longword.

  • The Atari video modes got reworked.

  • Some work in the MIDI configuration has been done

  • The version date is now shown at the serial port.


The FireTOS, that got patched by MCS, got the following innovations:

  • Some errors inside the write routines of CF/IDE got fixed

  • The bootup of the computer is now faster, as the existence of CF/IDE has not to be requested anymore (is now done inside BaS).

  • There are faster CF/IDE routines taking into account SpeedReg, as data access with longword.

  • A partial control of the Blitter (only memcopy routines) including „cache flush“ because of data coherence got implemented.

  • The version date is now shown at the screen.

  • The centronics connector is now supported. It is possible to print from FireTOS with parallel printers (tested with Papyrus X and qed at a Stylus 740 and a Stylus Color).

  • There has been some work at the MIDI interface. Although MIDI is not yet usable in all systems in general, and a lot of work is lieing ahead of us, there is with reservations a partial support of the MIDI interface.

Known FireTOS limitations are:

  • It is currently not possible to print with NVDI 5. The system is crashing at the try. It seems as if NVDI 5 has to be patched, ...

We wish you fun with these updates and your - now a lot faster - FireBees.

Flashing the FireBee system software


COVID-19 Watcher


If you have an Atari connected to the Internet, you may now track the coronavirus outbreak on your trusted machine. COVID-19 Watcher is an app that displays the current (more or less…) number of infected, dead and cured cases. It should work with any TOS-compatible system, including TOS 1.0, MagiC or MiNT. Virtually any resolution and number of colors is supported, including all the ST display modes (mono and color). The archive also contains a separate ColdFire version for the Firebee users out there. The only requirement is a working Internet connection — use STinG or GlueSTiK.

The data should be updated daily and is provided by Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) via RapidAPI.

You can download this tool here:

FireTOS addon archive


In July we published the brandnew FireTOS addon archive on This collection of programs is designed for easy singletask working on the FireBee. Yes, there are people who prefer working under TOS and we know that there are also "pure (Fire)TOS users" on the Bee; so for those not running MiNT this collection may be very helpful.
Similar to the „Language-Disks“ known from Atari we prepared some essential programs which can be used directly on an SD card (as floppy replacement) or from partition „C“ on mass storage devices like CF card, harddisc or SSDs connected to your FireBee.
You will find included a controlpanel server with some useful cpx modules, the helpsystem ST-Guide, a texteditor, a calculator, a screenshot utility and also programs for flashing the FireBee ROM and patching NVDI.
As a „Bonus“ we created a nice set of new icons for your TOS desktop.

You can download the new addon archive for FireTOS (only 2,2 MB) from our new addon page.

Atari 8-Bits at the FireBee


The Emulator for the FireBee works via SDL and the assembler core was excluded in the FireBee version. Beside the fact that this is the first version for the FireBee, the main news in v4.1.0 are that the emulator can now run without providing any ROM images. The so called "Altirra BIOSes" for all of the 8-Bit computers are already included. Just download the package, and use the included ATARI_CF.GTP program to run your 8-Bit-Atari emulator at the FireBee. Like always, the sourcecode is as well obtainable at the

Up-to-date information about the ACP project Q1/2019


But the opposite is true, so we want to give you an update about the things that are currently being worked on.

• Delivery of the 2nd series
We are still busy to deliver the computers of the 2nd series. With all the things that went wrong with this batch (power transformer issue, case production - the final cases were delivered to us this January etc.) the resulting huge delay also caused an incredible mess. Some pre-orderers believed they wouldn't get a device anymore; others we had to chase down with multiple mails, posts or on other channels because their personal data had changed. At any rate, the efforts are huge. We are doing the best we can though to process everything in order. And all the people who had pre-ordered for the 2nd series will be guaranteed to get a computer! You can also always contact us about your delivery.

Once we have exhausted all contact options with all pre-orderers, and some still didn't give feedback, we will start another call here on the homepage before possibly selling any remaining computers to other buyers on the waiting list. But that will not happen before summer 2019.

• As usual, a lot is happening in the area of "Look and Feel". Design is being continued in Rome and some releases can be expected this year.

• For several months now, a lot of work is happening in the background to put together a new, up-to-date official FreeMiNT setup. Lars has joined the team again, and FreeMiNT for FireTOS is being improved from all sides, extensively tested, and a fine collection of current applications are added to the setup.

• There are new versions of all components in the ROM. Medusa has a new base system (BaS), a new FPGA configuration with very important improvements and a new FireTOS. The really important improvements will be presented to you bit by bit in the coming weeks. The boards that are being delivered right now already contain these new parts!

• Some work is also happening with the homepage and documentation. In this context, we would like to point you to the new sub-page"Motherboard_Connectors_and_Components" ; the energy required for these information processing tasks is not to be underestimated.

• It is also always worthwile to visit all the external projects that have some relation to FireBee, but are independent software. For example, the newest, version 1.19.36c, was released on March 30th 2019. Miro Kropacek has released version 7.4.0 (original from December 6th) of the, and also specifically for the ColdFire CPU of the FireBee, on the 1st of March.

There are also new versions of,,, and many more. The received new releases in Februars 2019.

• Another new series?
We get requests about another new batch of FireBee computers all the time. Right now we can't promise anything. Of course we will try to persuade Medusa to produce another series of FireBees, subsequently to the recent shipping. To that end, we have been collecting serious (!) pre-orders since summer 2018. So if you want to buy a FireBee in the future, you should order it now. This will help us tremendously with planning and implementation. But a new series will not be released before 2020!

Mailsystem reorganized


In the last years it sadly occured on and off, that our mailserver got listed at some few blacklists and our mails thus went into your spamfolders or in some few cases got directly discarded by your mailservers. On the one hand this was due to the mailadress which was not configured correctly (SPF, which was previously not needed for years). On the other hand there are indeed some competences missing to configure the Linux machine correctly on which the mail server was running. The system was adoped from now inactive people and despite great efforts the problems could not be solved.

Additionally cancelled all their mail services (presumably because of the new GDPR) by end of May, and thus our former fallback mailadress is now not available anymore.

Thus we have decided with a heavy heart three weeks ago to migrate the entire mail system to a commercial provider. Sadly we did not succeed in finding a non-commercial bearable solution. Thus our options are now in fact constricted, and also quite expensive, but the communication problems of the past are dispelled. Now no mails should be ignored inside your spam folders anymore!

For establishing contacts please use from now on exclusively:

acpinfo at firebee dot org

If you lately go the feeling that you did not get an answer form us, do not hesitate to contact us again. The answers will now reach you reliably and the handling of the receivable shippings will thus be facilitated a lot.

Our thank goes to and who bestowed support on us for years free of charge.

Shipping and new Orders


In recent weeks, we have seen a noticeable increase in pre-order with sometimes unsolicited remittances from "new customers". We would like to clarify again the current situation.

The 2nd series of FireBees is currently sold out. We have been delivering them for some time now (unfortunately very slowly). All new orders are placed on a waiting list. In case of withdrawals during the shipping process, the machines will be assigned according to this list. In addition, binding pre-orders are of interest for a possible further series of FireBees. The more people pre-order the more likely such a series will be produced in the future. An early delivery will not be possible for new customers.

The normal procedure is to pre-order via the web site or by e-mail. Please do not send any money if you are ordering for the first time. At the moment it is absolutely unclear if there will be a machine for you, and if – at all – a further series will be done. In addition, contacting directly Medusa Computer, can complicate our volunteer work and will not increase the chances of getting a FireBee!

The customers who have been waiting for their FireBees more than 2 years now, will be contacted reliably by us soon and can expect to receive their devices in the coming weeks and months.

FireBee on GitHub


Since last summer the situation with Atariforge became more and more unstable. Sadly the AtariForge services seem not to come back in time anymore. Nevertheless we like to thank Rob Mahlert for the years of support he gave for free to the community. Now everything we got is collected and online again at GitHub. Special thanks goes to Miro Kropáček and David Gálvez who cared about that non-acceptable situation, and uploaded everything to the new repository at GitHub that Markus Fröschle created some months ago. Gladly Mikro had a full AtariForge backup for us, and also every new developments from 2017 are online now. Including several new FPGA and BaS developments which binaries we will publish in the upcoming weeks and months for endusers. Also all developments that people made over the years are now in one place and can be found at

Linear Classic icon set for Teradesk updated


A total of 364 icons are now available with 121 new or updated icons (81 folders, 24 programs, 12 files and 4 devices).

The Linear Classic set shares most of the pictograms with the FB-Basic icons, but the basic shape of the devices, files and apps give the set its own personality and a distinctive look and feel. All the icons are available in 256, 16 and 2 colours. The NVDI palette is needed to display correctly 256 and 16 colours icons. Finally, an up-to-date teradesk.inf configuration file, fully compatible with the FB-Basic set, is available with most of the icons assigned.

Download: (.zip 438kB)

FB-Basic icon set 1.54 update


This "quick fix" release solves a few issues: some icons not included in 1.50 were added, the default HD was renamed to "hard disc" to comply with Teradesk’s naming rules and 2 duplicate icons were deleted. To keep compatibility with old teradesk.inf configuration files, a new experimental "harddisk" icon was added to the set. Finally, the teradesk.inf file was updated to reflect changes in the cicons.rsc file.

Download: (.zip 424kB)

FB-Basic icon set for Teradesk updated


With the new 1.5 version, the total number of icons is up to 360, with more than 100 new entries.

All the icons are available in 48p. with 256, 16 and 2 colours. The NVDI palette is essential to display correctly icons in 256 and 16 colours. For this update the author, L.Zanier, worked essentially on folders, and now most applications have a dedicated folder. In addition, about 30 new icons were included, and a few were modified or replaced (RSM, Draw and Paint app icons, just to name a few). As usual the set is shipped with a configuration file (teradesk.inf) optimized for the FireBee's "Official FreeMiNT Setup", with most of the icons already assigned.

Download: (.zip 420kB) Server Problems


Today it turned out that this is a serious problem, that might take another week or two to get solved. Our admins are working at the problem.

We like to assure you that the ACP is still active, and that we try to get back completely online as soon as possible. In the meantime you can access by the IP adress and reach us by our fallback mailadress acpinfo (at) atari-home (dot) de

GFA Basic v3.7 beta


GFA Basic v3.7 has reached beta testing stage and is available also for the FireBee. New features include:
- Added all missing AES calls up to AES v4.1, plus some N.AES calls.
- Added the most commonly used Bios, Xbios, Gemdos, VDI, and NVDI calls.
- Some new general purpose commands not related to the operating system.
- Just over 256 new commands.

It’s now possible to write medium to large application without having to write bindings. The beta is available at the newly reworked website. Follow the download link at

MyAES 0.97 and patches


It took almost three years, way more than initially planned, for Oliver to release the new version of MyAES. The MyAES kernel went trought an extensive review process: new features were added and various parts of the code were significantly reworked to improve the overall performance and compatibility. Just to name a few improvements:
- the multitasking management was revised;
- a new management of the windows/desktop redraws and a a new program configuration manager were added;
- a new video memory manager and AES call;
- The Yopla task manager and the MDesk desktop (although still at info level) were also improved;
- the background image is automatically resized.
But the full list of improvements and fixes is way longer.

Finally, an extensive betatesting was run on the FireBee, Atari classic computers, other TOS compatible platforms and in an emulated environment. Todate, the 0.97 distribution may be considered the most stable and compatible MyAES release ever.

After the distribution of MyAES 0.97, a few patches were released to fix issues reported by users, and on the 10th of December 2017, Olivier released the final patch for 0.97 and started the development of MyAES 0.98.

Additional details and the download of the MyAES 0.97 archive and patches are available at MyAES homepage:

EmuTOS-2017 news


Dec 15th, the following bug in the version 0.9.9 was found:
When deleting desktop icons, it could ask you to delete a bunch of files, fortunately after confirmation dialog.
As this could cause data loss, there was the release of the hotfix. Please now if you are alredy using 0.9.9 :

On December 11th EmuTOS Development Team released version 0.9.9 of free Atari-compatible OS.

Major changes:
• AES: Allow mouse cursors to be loaded at boot time
• EmuDesk: Add 'Desktop configuration' dialog
• EmuDesk: Allow configuration of window/desktop backgrounds
• EmuDesk: Allow desktop window file mask to be specified
• EmuDesk: Omit unused desktop menu items
• EmuDesk: Open new window with Alt+doubleclick on folder
• General: Automatically build snapshot releases when a commit is pushed
• VDI: Add blitter support for horizontal line drawing
• VDI: Add blitter support for filled rectangle drawing
• VDI: Add blitter support for raster graphics

On April 27th EmuTOS version 0.9.8 was published.

The main features since previous version are:

• BIOS: Autodetect IDE interface with twisted cable at run-time
• EmuDesk: Add support for desktop shortcuts
• EmuDesk: Add support for formatting floppies
• EmuDesk: Add support for user-assignable desktop icons

May 29th, Vincent Rivière finished the integration of EmuTOS builds with Travis CI, as already implemented for FreeMiNT snapshots. EmuTOS development snapshots are now automatically built and uploaded to SourceForge on every developer’s push to GitHub.

Snapshots are also purged automatically on every new build.
• always kept at least 5 snapshots
• other snapshots older than 7 days are deleted

Snapshots are available

You can go to the latest build subfolder and choose file
emutos-firebee-*-*-*.zip - it will be the latest EmuTOS Firebee build with all possible updates and improvements.

For those who interested a bit more - here is also lots of useful info: At the bottom of the above page, there is a link to Travis CI build history. You can see there the list of last builds, and the time spent to build all the binaries. Currently: between 5 and 6 minutes. For each build, there is a detailed build log when you click on "master" on the left.

Inside the folder of a specific snapshot on SourceForge, there is a description at the bottom. It includes the change log from previous snapshot, as well as useful links to GitHub and Travis CI.

Permanent Up-To-Date-FreeMiNT for the FireBee


FreeMiNT is now developed with with usage of git. The version control system leads to many many nice features for development and collaborative work on software. Beside this it has some huge advantages for the FireBee project as well. The main improvement is the integration of Travis CI into git(hub). Travis CI is a build service which offers building for free for any open source project, including ours. Thanks to github integration it all works completely autonomously. That means we got now an permanentely up to date FreeMiNT for the FireBee. As soon as any developer is contributing something to FreeMiNT or fixing any bug, Travis CI is automatically creating new updated binaries for the endusers. That leads to the satisfieing situation, that all FreeMiNT Kernels are every time at the same stage. Every day when any code is improved in MiNT, we get an exact same new binary for 68000 Ataris, 68020-060 machines as Coldfire based hardware.

So all plattforms will from now on till the end of all days get the same stage of development including ColdFire binaries of FreeMiNT/XaAES. The same counts for libs (cflib, gemlib, gemma) and mintlib. Furthermore this can even expand to all connected projects like QED and much more.

So any FireBee user can called "" at any time, and can rely on the fact that it has all improvements included, and is exact the same like for other CPUs. (including further software aside the multitasking Operating System) can be found on github. We also hope to attract further developers to join the FreeMiNT project.

New Version of TosWin2


The program was sadly very buggy the last years and drove some of us mad. Gladly during the preparations for an updated official FreMiNT-Setup for the FireBee, Miro Kropáček started to eleminate all the bugs of the program. Now the automatically opening if desired of the console at output of the operating system works, which often filled the desktop previously. All possible adjustments inside the program are working now solidly. Especially interresting is that the logging, means writing all output to a textfile, now works likewise very well, what simplyfies possible bugreports by users.

As TosWin2 is developed inside the FreeMiNT project, this is a an unofficial preliminary version. However you can directly and immediatly replace the old TosWin2 at the FreeMiNT-Setup. About the entire FreeMiNT project concerning the FireBee there will be further good news in near future.

AHCC 5.5


For the record, AHCC (A Home Cooked Compiler C) is an Open-Source development environment that aims to be fully compatible with Pure C, very popular on Atari but sadly unavailable. The approach of AHCC is to create some Atari programs that can work, with the same binary, on all the processors, from 020 up to 060 including the ColdFires.

Henk Robbers is developing further AHCC extremely consequently and reliably. And this for years. By the fact of the open sources, all the work is in future usable and no existence-endangering relationship of dependence can evolve anymore. Furthermore AHCC is splendidly proper for even coding at the "small" original Ataris.

AHCC 5.5:

FB-Basic icon set for Teradesk


The set, created by L. Zanier, is composed by 251 icons in 256 (NVDI palette), 16 and 2 colors. The idea behind the set was to refresh the look of the FireBee's desktop with new, sleek and up-to-date icons. Although the FB-Basic is derived from the Linear Classic set, along the development all the icons were replaced or re-edited, thus it gained its own distinctive look well represented by the new device icons. Furthermore, four new devices (FB Hard-disk, Net-Printer, CD-R, CF card), 39 new programs icons (30 games and 9 apps), 1 file and 1 folder were added. A new configuration file (teradesk.inf), optimised for the Official FreeMiNT Setup, and with most icons already assigned is also included.

download: (.zip 494kB)

Mail system and server infrastructure


That means that our mailboxes acpinfo (at) atari (dot) org and acpinfo (at) firebee (dot) org won't be available during that time. The same goes for the domain as our public mailinglist. This is a planned and temporary downtime! Don't panic! ;) As usual, you will always be able to reach this website through the IP address,

Thanks to Swiftconsult who once again generously supported us, we now also have acpinfo (at) atari-home (dot) de available as a fallback mail address. You will always be able to reach us through this address.

During the downtime in the first week of January, the other mail addresses won't work anymore. The reason is that we currently have pretty big problems to reach many of you. The atari (dot) org redirect that we had used for many years without problems is now not accepted anymore by an increasing number of mail servers, and sometimes even treated as spam. For this reason, we switch completely to firebee (dot) org mailboxes and will maintain all mail services ourselves from now on.

We would like to thank atari (dot) org at this point for the many years of great collaboration!

In the new year we will continue with fresh enthusiasm and with the delivery of the new series.

Happy New Year!

Your ACP-Team

Full-length report about the level shifter problem


It all began with the fact that most of the finished boards wouldn't even start, after they had arrived at Medusa. The few that did consumed so much power that they caused the generously sized power supplies to fail. We don't want to bore you now with the details of how we located the problem and debugged the hardware, but instead skip to the description of the actual problem. After many tests it appeared (and was later confirmed) that the issue was with the level shifters of the FireBee. These 6 level shifters per board (positions U25 and U31 to U35) are small chips that convert the power and create all the special voltages that are needed by the various different ICs, e.g. 3.3 Volt, 1.45 Volt, 1.8 Volt etc. These are directional 8-path voltage converters from Texas Instruments. It is a "standard" model: 74LVC(8T)245. It's needed because back in the Atari days, 5V were the standard voltage in computers, but the more modern FireBee electronics use 3.3V (or, as mentioned, even lower voltages). The casing we use is an "QFN" (Quad Flatpack No leads, 4-side casing without legs) with an exposed pad, i.e. a metal surface on the lower side. This was supposed to be used as a "Thermal Pad", in order to improve the cooling of the ICs through the circuit board.

These so-called "Thermal Pads" therefore have to be soldered onto the board completely flat in order to properly dissipate the heat generated when converting the voltage. The schematics of this IC (also called "level converter") from Texas Instrument does not show any electric connection of the lower surface of the "exposed thermal pad" with any other structure on, or inside, the chip. The specification only states that the thermal pad "must" be soldered on. For this reason, the FireBee was designed to use the 3.3V part for the cooling. An unconventional and really pretty innovative idea that would help save resources and space on the curcuit board. The prototypes also confirmed that this worked fine. The "conservative" approach would have been to solder the "thermal pads" of these six voltage converters on GND.

What happened with the second batch is that the resistance of the level converters started to change during operation. When new, the resistance between the "exposed thermal pad" and GND is infinite. When the parts were soldered off and brand-new ones were bought by MCS and used for verification, resistance was a few KiloOhm while running at 25°C. When the temperature rose to a 100°C, the level fell to a few hundred Ohm. Sometimes the bus-drivers heated up to over a 110°C... kind of a vicious circle, really: directly after switching on the computer, the board started to change. The warmer it got, the lower the resistance was, and the more power would flow, and it would heat up even more.

So without any external influence, the behavior of the computers changed under load. You can probably imagine what that meant for the first few weeks of debugging the hardware. A system with almost 1000 parts on an 8-level multilayer board, which had been proven to work fine, and on which nothing had been changed, but still suddenly started to do what it wanted and behave differently every few seconds. In retrospect, that was a great episode from the E-tech horror shop... but in July, without any idea what the problem was, not funny at all!

The final assumption on our side is that TI changed the "diebond material" (glue in the chip) in their IC production, which is used to connect the IC-structure with the thermal pad internally. Some of these glues can become conductive when heated. Unfortunately, we could only get a brief statement from TI about the thermal pad supposedly still "not being connected internally".

The problem clearly lies with TI. The company has changed the physical properties of the ICs somehow, and at some point in time, but not documented these changes anywhere. Until today, and despite intensive searches for PCNs (Product Change Notes) on various channels, we were unable to find any information about it. So the current chip is, officially, exactly the same as in the previous batches - but it is objectively not true. We were also unable to find out when exactly the changes occurred - with which new chip series, or in which production period.

A hardware developer who joined the discussion during the analysis and offered his help, put it this way: "MCS has worked to the best of their knowledge and should IMHO not be the ones paying up for the costs". All of this also explains why the assembly company is also not to be blamed for this whole misery. Despite our announcement to fix the problem free of charge, costs of almost 3000 Euro have been amassed. The reason being that the assembly company now has to remove the six bus-drivers, glue some isolating but heat-dissipating Kapton tape on the lower surface of the thermal pads, and then has to solder them back on - all of this for a 3-digit number of boards. And all of this despite the fact that they also did nothing wrong and caused no production problems at all. Anyone who is familiar with motherboard production knows that this custom fixing process, for such a large number of boards, and at that price, is absolutely amazing! Our assembly company also has been very forthcoming and supportive during the search for the cause of the problems, and when communicating with the vendors and manufacturers. A great service, and an exemplary collaboration!

We hope that this explains why we are asking you for donations. We, as a project, don't want that one single person who already had invested a lot of their spare time to make the FireBees available at the production cost of the hardware, now has to pay up for all the costs. On the other hand, we also don't want to raise the price of the boards, since you pre-ordered them at a specific price. And the assembly company has no fault in any of this, as described before. Finally, any attempt to try to get money from a large semiconductor manufacturer due to problems caused by their faulty documentation - even though the first batch and the prototypes behaved completely differently - is obviously futile. So, for all these reasons, we would again ask you kindly to show solidarity and to foot up the bill together.

Thanks also again for all the trust you have put in Medusa, and the support you gave us during the delivery delays and problem analysis!

Donations please as described either by PayPal to

mcs (at) kingx (dot) com

or by wire transfer to:

MCS Aschwanden
8610 Uster
Bank account Nr.: 202-805498.40F
IBAN: CH22 0020 2202 8054 9840 F
"reason for payment": FB series 2 donation

TeraDesk 4.07


The new 4.07 is mainly a bug fix version with only a minor new feature: the option to change TeraDesk's behaviour when opening links to directories (Additional details are available in TeraDesk's documents).

The new version of TeraDesk can be downloaded at:

As there were no changes in the resource files from version 4.06 to 4.07, old RSC files can still be used. Russian Teradesk 4.07, with up-to-date documents is already available, while other 4.07 will follow soon. As before, Nationalized version of TeraDesk are available at the Kurobox ftp server:

EmuTOS 0.9.7


As we already announced on the mailing list, a new version of the alternative Open-Source operating system for Atari platforms has recently been released. EmuTOS will continue to be improved, and the team around Roger Burrows has once again done a great job. Besides the "small bugfixes" there are 58 new functions and larger fixes in this new release! FireBee owners will directly benefit from many of these improvements. Some good examples would be the new, extended MBR partitions or the independently runnable version of EmuCON2.

As always, EmuTOS will be flashed into the ROM of the FireBee with flash_cf.prg, and can then either be used as the completely independent standard OS by selecting it through the DIP-switches; or by selecting it in the boot menu of FireTOS (then it can also use the USB-drivers of FireTOS).

EmuTOS is a pure ColdFire operating system, so it will harness the full power of the V4e processor. This is especially interesting for a ColdFire FreeMiNT multitasking system - the combination preferred by most "Unixophile" FireBee open-source users and developers.

The package"" with the new operating system can be downloaded from the of the project.

Delivery and call for donations


Since we currently are receiving the modified boards in small batches from the assembly company as announced before, the computers will be sent out in the order they were ordered. Thank you once again for your patience. The computers will have, as had been mentioned several times, two years of warranty.

We now also know the exact costs for the whole "game" with the busdriver-components. All in all, Medusa Computer Systems now has to pay 2720.- Euros extra for searching the cause of the problem and for refitting the boards. Since we calculated the prices very narrowly in order to be able to pass on the 40.- Euro price reduction to you, we don't want to just increase the fixed price again now. Instead, we will try an experiment. We would like to collect the 2720.- Euro in a solidary effort. Anyone who can afford it could pay a little more, those who are short on money only a very small amount. Maybe there are also people that have not (yet) ordererd a computer and still would like to support the project. Therefore we would like to ask you to pool up and provide the money together. Everything that won't come in through you will have to be paid by MCS itself...

All donations can be sent to the SEPA bank account of MCS or via Paypal.

MCS Aschwanden
8610 Uster
Bank account Nr.: 202-805498.40F
IBAN: CH22 0020 2202 8054 9840 F
"reason for payment": FB series 2 donation

mcs (at) kingx (dot) com

FreeMiNT at ColdFire EVBs


As the well known Atari developer Vincent Rivière announced, at the new , mintv4e.prg now runs perfectly on ColdFire Evaluation Boards. With these boards there is another hardware plattform aside the FireBee itselve, which can run FreeMiNT for ColdFire natively. Using EmuTOS from 20160606 or later, preferably the soon upcoming 0.9.7 version, you can boot the EVBs from dBug, TFTP servers or directly (auto-boot) from Bas_gcc. Note that if you want networking in MiNT, you'll need BaS_gcc in flash.

Bas_gcc is used at the FireBee as well, and maintained for some years now by Markus Fröschle who ported it to the ColdFire 547x/548x EVBs like the FEC.XIF network driver.

By the use of EmuTOS Operating System as basis for FreeMiNT, the Evaluationboards offer as well the following features: RS-232 console for text I/O (no graphics). CompactFlash card for mass storage. 14 MB ST-RAM + 46 MB FastRAM. Optional PS/2 keyboard with Eiffel/CAN adapter

The project can be considered as "finished" and can be downloaded from the

Working Boards


The bus drivers had been removed from the computer, isolated with Kapton tape and soldered back on afterwards. The system is now running perfectly and the chips are not getting warmer than 45 degree celsius even after several hours of operation.

As we had supected, contrary to the spec sheet, the bus drivers had become conductive after a few minutes runtime. The Kapton tape currently in place on the bottom side of the thermal pads isolates them completely, while still allowing for heat dissipation. A more detailed technical explanation will follow as soon as we are in the mood for an in-depth article in the coming weeks. ;)

The good news, then, is: Provided that there will be no other unexpected catastrophies, we will be able to deliver the first computers end of October! The newly equiped systems will be delivered to us in 2-digit batches every two weeks, and then checked thoroughly one by one, before they are sent out. The pre-orders will be processed in the order they were made. So all those who pre-ordered will soon be contacted by us.

Again, kudos to all of you - the best community in the world! In the last months of uncertainty there was not a single bad word, only encouragement, understanding and trust from your side. Thanks!

Here is also a picture of the heat camera for comparison. The upper one shows the version with the new Kapton tape.

Board Status


Switching out the bus driver from a TI- to an NPX-model unfortunately did not solve the problems. This presents a true challenge for Medusa, since some of the behaviours of the board still are a mystery. You can probably imagine the enormous pressure this puts mostly on Fredi Aschwanden, in order to finally begin delivery of the computers. Nevertheless, we will only start with that as soon as all problems are actually solved. We want the computers to work a 100%, just like the first series. For this reason, we would like to thank all of you end-users for your infinite patience. Especially those, who have made a down payment a long time ago already.

As next steps, we will try to tackle the issue with two measures. On the one hand, the thermal pad of the bus driver will be removed from one of the boards. The "thermal pad" is a metal surface on the lower side of the chips which is connected with 3V3. It serves to dissipate the heat over the layer surface, in this case 3V3. This "pad" should not have contact to any other connector of the chip, according to the specification. But apparently there is contact as soon as the chip is powered on; contact which heates the chip, and leads to an increase in power consumption so strong that the power supply collapses. On the other hand, we will have one of the boards fitted with an identical bus driver instead of the current one, but one which contains internal pullups, preventing the inputs from falling into undefined states. The reason is that there is a suspicion that these inputs start to oscillate or assume irregular states during power-up, and by doing so, destroy the chip.

We hope that one of these two measures will lead to a solution for the problem, but at this point, we cannot make any promises. Additionally, Wolfgang Förster has just recently offered his help, being one of the few with deep hardware knowledge.

Since there was a question in a forum about the technical realisation of such a "component exchange", we want to assure you that this is carried out absolutely professionally by the assembly company. It would be wrong to think of this as some manual tinkering and soldering. There are several highly complex automatic machines for such tasks used by the assembly company. As a result, a user will not even notice if any component of the board had been replaced. This wouldn't even be possible to do in any different way, with close to 1000 SMD parts on an 8-layer curcuit board. Here is an infomercial of such a machine:, in this case a Zevac Onyx. As was always the case, the boards will be delivered by Medusa with a 2-year warranty!

News about the boards


In the meantime Medusa identified one part at the new boards, that seems - as already suspected - to be responsible for the problems. The communication with the assembling company and the producer, Texas Instruments, didn't lead to any hint yet for the exact causes of the behavior of the busdriver. The part behaves namely not as noted in the specifications, and in bizarre manner also not as the same ones of the 1. series. Especially aggravating is that the busdriver additionally changes his behavior after several minutes of usage. To fix this quickly, while we still will search for the true cause with the assembling company and the part manufacturer, Medusa ordered now extra identical constructed parts from NXP. We will send one board and the new part to the assembling company, which will exchange the part, to see if subsequently all problems are solved.

We will keep you updated, and start the shipping of the series not before all problems are solved satisfactorily. Should the exchange of the busdriver lead to success, all computers will be tested individually and by hand by us before they are shipped.

Delivery delay of the new series - the whole truth


It all began with the fact that the orders for the new series were processed in the new year - after the holidays. Unfortunately, the Swiss manufacturer could not meet the production period of 12 weeks that was agreed upon in 2015. Therefore, the new agreement was that the computers would arrive at MCS around the end of May 2016. But then there was another delay at the manufacturer, and the end of June was communicated to MSC as the new delivery date (including an apology for the delay). So far, everything was still just about OK, especially since we had decided to also produce the LED-/speaker-clips, which would have delayed the production by a few more weeks anyway.

In the meantime, a new problem also arose in Vienna (sounds almost like a global enterprise...). The producer of the cases, with whom it had been a pleasure to work with so far, suddenly wanted to increase the prices of the mini-cases by 24% for the final order. Our hint that this would represent a 100% inflation was countered by a minimal "price reduction" and a brief explanation. The price increase was explained with, among other things, "that all screws would be included now..." At that point, all our trust had vanished, since the cases contain exactly one single screw - the black knurled screw on the lid. And those were always provided by ourselves in the previous series. Since we were not willing to accept an increased price (which we would have had to pass that on to you by a 100%) for inexistent screws, we started looking for a new producer for our cases, as we were convinced that you would prefer waiting for another 4-5 weeks to increased costs.

We now have the new producer, and we also can keep the price of the mini-cases. As soon as we had that, and (thanks to Milan Tirnanic) also a new, perfectly constructed 3D-model of the mini-case, the new computers arrived at Medusa on July 1st. And: none of them work! Most of the boards wouldn't even start. A few would boot, but then suck so much power that the 45W PSU failed.... so, more a heating device than an Atari clone.

Fredi Aschwanden has spent the last three weeks trying to find the reason, which is proving to be anything but trivial. To this date we don't know what is wrong with the computers. It could be a short-circuit anywhere in the system. Or some parts were badly soldered to the boards, or the boards themselves might even be defective, or defective parts were used. As of now, the manufacturer has received one of the boards from us, and is removing all the parts and soldering new ones on it. Hopefully this will result in an indication of the source of the problem.

Despite these problems we are really glad to work with a Swiss manufacturer, who is accessible and trustworthy. The bad production will be fixed without additional costs. We're please not least because aside from the Medusa and the Hades, the first FireBees were also produced there. Had we chosen to let them be produced somewhere in Asia, we would now have a truly serious problem and could probably write off the money, or file a lawsuit in China (haha).

So we are confident that we will eliminate the problems by the end of August, but we don't want to make any specific delivery promises here, except that you will receive 100% working FireBees, including two years warranty, for your money. As soon as there is more news, we will inform you here.

A GEM coding guide for AHCC


Peter Lane has developed several applications running on the Firebee which we had mentioned before, like the Sokoban game, BibFind and many more. Lane mainly develops his GEM applications with the C programming language under AHCC. Today he provides all development notes he gathered in a pdf file. The code examples are very simple at first, and then increasingly complex, which strongly increases the information value. In addition, these examples were tested successfully on Atari ST and Firebee. The guide, currently available in English only, will be translated in various languages.

The guide can be downloaded directly at:
The source code example is also available:

Find all the developments of Peter Lane on his website:

A new version of AHCC.


The main improvement on the compiler consist in a bug fix on register health analysis where, in rare circumstances, too many operations were discarded.
On the Shell (not AHCCST) side, a new item has been added on menu: from folder. This addition is really interesting and useful to make new project file, like a kind of workspace area, by building a skeleton project from file names in a given folder (only one deep).
The Editor has been rechecked and a bug has been found, and fixed, on the risk to loose sync by the ^2 when searching for next unequal lines.

Please visit the Henk Robbers web site for more details and downloading files:

LED- and Speaker-Clip


This pertained to the final assembly of the speaker and LEDs in the case itself. Clearly, we had to get rid of the need to attach them with hot glue. In order to achieve this goal, shortly after the first case series, Milan Tirnanic created a clip which makes it possible to mount all 3 parts in the case in a way that they both are perfectly fixed, and - to be future-proof - still allows to replace defective components in the future.

As shown on the right, the clip consists of a frame for the speaker, to which the speaker of the FireBee is attached with 4 screws. In addition, there are two LED-openings in which the LEDs can be inserted with common rubber mounts. There are venting holes for the heat generatd by the LEDs. Underneath, the clip perfectly aligns itself to the FireBee board and is attached with a single nylonscrew from the boards' top side, under the print (so between the board and the case). It's as simple as it gets! As a "goodie", there is also a FireBee-label on the clip itself which documents the exclusive production and special manufacturing of the FireBee case. In our opinion, the clip meets the highest aesthetic standards.

Ideally, these clips should be produced using injection molding, but that isn't feasible with small batch series. Because of that, we looked very hard and long for a comparable production process. Be it deep drawing, laser sintering, 3d printing or vacuum casting - we tried many alternatives. Unfortunately, until now the quality standard or the unrealistic price made them impossible to produce. But then we finally found a company which provides laser sintering at a very reasonable price in southern Germany.

Therefore we decided to equip all new cases with this industrial-quality built clip!

Since we can produce only one single series of these clips, we want to provide an option for all existing mini-case owners to buy one. We offer the clip for very affordable 12,60 Euros (plus shipping) as export of Medusa Computer Systems from Switzerland.

We ask everyone who already owns a mini-case and is interested in this mounting support for the speaker and the LEDs, to place a binding order until Sunday, 26. of June, 2016!

Again: There will only be one single production run of these clips, ever. Latecomers will only have the options of getting a 3d printed one from us (at a much lower build quality), or to buy an indiviually manufactured one at a price of 56.- Euro.

Furthermore, this entire introduction of this new speaker clip means that the delivery of the second batch of cases will be delayed for a few weeks. We hope you can live with this compromise and agree with us that this professionalisation of the mini-case will be more than worth it.

Finally, we want to provide an extra page with several pictures of the prototype. Note: the prototype still shows a label that will be rotated by 180° on the final product. Enjoy this new development!

The construction data files are made available as "Open Hardware" under the "Creative Commons by-nc-sa" license, as ".stp", ".stl" and ".pkg" files. The files used for the production will soon be available for download on our support page, together with the other hardware.

EmuTOS 0.9.6


As a reminder; this Open Source Operating System is -emenating from the released sources of Digital Research- being developed further more or less since the turn of the millennium. Even if the development of the FireBee influenced EmuTOS in the last years, and if there is a certain personnel overlap of the developers and a mutual support, EmuTOS is a matter of a generally distinct and independent project.

This Operating System is our only completely free Open Source alternative and is flashed directly into the ROM, where it co-exists with FireTOS. At every reboot of the FireBee the desired Operating System can be choosen. For a permanent selection there are the small DIP switches at the board.

Probably, the biggest advantage of EmuTOS is, that the FireBee version was compiled specially for the ColdFire CPU, and therefore runs at maximum speed (but also no 68k-programs will work).

In the, released the end of May, there are more than 70 new features, essential bugfixes and improvements. All areas of the TOS such as AES, BDOS, BIOS, the VDI and the desktop "EmuDesk" got innovations, the performance was generally improved and FireBee users can as well profit from the newly added features.

We recommend to upgrade to the latest EmuTOS.

As always, the latest version can be found at the After unpacking of, EmuTOS will be flashed into the ROM of the FireBee respectively with FLASH060.PRG from FireTOS/FreeMiNT and with FLASH_CF.PRG from EmuTOS and will be available subsequently to a reboot –as known from Atari computers– without the need of any mass storage.

The development of EmuTOS is in the meantime progressing, thanks to the great work of Roger Burrows, Vincent Rivière and others.

GEM Sokoban Game


The screenshot shows the program working under MINT+XaAES on a Firebee.


  • Contains the 50 classic levels from Thinking Rabbit

  • Additional levels can be loaded from a text file

  • Unlimited undo

  • Total moves and pushes per level recorded and saved

  • Size of display can be adapted

- for downloadable files (there is a separate build for the Firebee, and for the ST / 68000), and
- the source code (this program was written on a Firebee using AHCC).

PH PDF Maker beta 3


You can use it from within you printer drivers and "print" PDFs" from various user applications. Now the Beta 3 is released. You can now use the PH PDF Maker on your Firebee as it is compatible with NVDI (see notes below). New Features in beta 3:

  1. Works with NVDI 3, 4, 5 & SpeedoGDos 5.0c, 5.7.

  2. True Colour 24-bits graphics support for real life colour reproduction in PDF.

  3. Selectable output resolution up to 300 dots per inch.

  4. Select from 12 standard PDF paper sizes for your PDF output.

  5. Compressed PDF for smaller file size.

  6. Secured PDF support with password encryption and read/open password.

  7. Protected PDF support by restriction control for copy, printing and editing.

Features from previous version:
  1. Creates PDF file simply by printing from an application via normal GDOS printer settings.

  2. Support VDI output function for graphics text, outline text, circle, polyline, rectangle and coloured filled area (closed poly line).

  3. Support Generalized Drawing Primitives (GDP) bar, arc, pieslice, circle and ellipse.

  4. Support text effects such as bold, italic, outline, underline, rotation, colour, font scaling, superscript and subscript.

  5. Support VDI colour mapping for supported graphics objects, lines, texts and filled objects.

  6. Support TrueType fonts for nice font face output.

  7. Support Latin accents as defined by standard Atari character set (i.e. via keyboard).

NVDI 5 will only be able to render out true colour graphics on the PDF document. Unfortunately, NVDI 5 will only renders a very small portion of text due to some restriction imposed by NVDI 5. This phenomena only happens on NVDI 5, so if you get NVDI 3 or 4 working on the Firebee, you should be able to use the full features of PH PDF maker beta 3. This limitation does not stop you from making true colour graphics PDF on your powerful Firebee using either Papyrus or Atari Works imagecapabilities.

Chart Library for C Programmers


The author Peter Lane created a simple chart library for C programs. The library is designed to be included in other programs, simply by copying two files to your C project: chart.h and chart.c.

Three types of chart are supported:

1. Bar Charts: A set of positive values is converted into a series of vertical bars. The title, x/y labels, colours and fill patterns of bars may be altered.
2. Line Charts: A set of lines added to a line chart. The title, x/y labels, and colour, line style and point style may all be altered.
3. Pie Charts: A set of positive values is converted into slices of a pie chart. The title, slice labels, colours and fill patterns may be altered.

All charts are drawn using standard VDI graphics, and scale themselves to fit a given drawing area. (As the Firebee does not support pmarkers, these are custom drawn within the library: define the symbol PMARKS when compiling to use these.)

The chart library was written in the AHCC compiler. An example program provided with the library (illustrated in the image) shows how to use all the charts. Full documentation is in chart.h. An example of using the library in another project can be found in the latest BibFind (see ).

More information and links to the files are at:

GFABASIC updated


Updated GFABASIC released, highlights are:

GFA-Basic Editor v1.68
Improved assembler file and include file management.

Compiler/Linker r27
Unchanged from previous release.

Library/Interpreter r16
Random crashes at startup fixed.
Not working from fast ram fixed.
Corrected two bugs in the DIM command.

GFA-Basic Compendium v2.88
Corrected various typos, reworded some pages, and added new information.

This update is particularly important for FireBee owners who use the interpreter.
For more precise information see the individual change logs in the documentation.

Lonny Pursell likes to thank Peter Lane for his bug report and detailed FireBee testing.

Two tools for writers


Writing is a productive activity that can be done as effectively on the Firebee as any other computer. Peter Lane has created two tools to help support the writing process. The first helps you look through a BibTeX file to obtain citations and references to paste into a document, and the second is a text to html converter, based on asciidoc. These programs enable you to write and preview documents on the Firebee, which can then be converted to pdf/epub etc format on a computer running a complete asciidoc system.

The first program, BibFind, lets you search for entries in a bibliography written in BibTeX .bib format. You can look at each entry in the bibliography, or search for entries which match one or more words. Citations or references can then be copied to the clipboard for pasting into a text editor or word processor. This has been tested with QED and Atari Works.

You can copy any of the following information:

1. id: useful for LaTeX or asciidoc documents
2. cite: an (author, year) citation style
3. Harvard: a Harvard-style author (year) reference, to paste into reference lists
4. IEEE: an IEEE-style reference, for numeric reference lists

The second program, Neso, is a text to html conversion program, in the spirit of Asciidoc and Markdown. It supports a limited subset of asciidoc syntax including headers, images, http links, lists and simple formatting.

Neso can be used (in Mint) along with a text editor and a html viewer, such as QED and Netsurf. Documents can be edited in QED, converted by clicking the 'Convert' button on Neso, and then the display refreshed in Netsurf; this is an efficient editing/preview process.

For more information and downloadable files, visit:

Both programs have been developed on the Firebee using the AHCC C compiler.

Scheduled Delivery Date of the 2nd Series


Subsequently the computers will recive a final inspection and testing in Switzerland and will be mounted into the mini-cases and in the order of the preorders piecemeal delivered to you. We will personally come foreward to all preordering persons in about 4 to 8 weeks and ask for the final orders (inkluding a CF-Card, if necessary PSUs, etc.) and will request the payment of the computers.
As a matter of course FireBees can furthermore be preordered by you, as we – like as at the first series – sent far more boards into production than there got preordered.

AHCC 5.3


The development environment – now in version 5.3 – offers several changes at the Compiler, Assembler, the Shell, the Editor as the Library ahccstdf. As always AHCC produces binaries optimized for ColdFire CPUs, that run as well at 68020, 030, 040 and 060 CPUs using just that instructions available at every processor. Get the new version at Henks

New Boards ordered


The computers will be built, as already the former products by MCS, at a swiss assembling company. At present we are waiting for a definitiely day of delivery.

The new FireBee computers can be ordered furthermore. Who likes to pay by two instalments can presently still make a deposit, until the completion of the new series. All those who preordered will be contacted by us in time, before the delivery and asking for (final) payment, for ordering possible additional requests like PSUs, CF cards, mini cases right away.

We wish the entire community happy holidays, and will keep you up to date in the new year.

Linear Classic icons set for Teradesk


The Linear Classic set is composed by 206 icons drawn in 256, 16 and 2 colors, in the usual RSC(AES-4) format. A configuration file (teradesk.inf), optimised for the Official FireBee setup, is also included. If you already have a well customised Teradesk desktop with the Linear Blue 48pts set vers. 1.2 to 1.4b (The Linear Blue set was recently updated and is available in the support/look&feel section of, you are only required to replace the cicons.rsc file as the teradesk.inf configuration files are upward compatible. To help users customise ther working spaces, several unassigned folder icons (folder1-folder7) were also included.

Full preview
(.zip 230kB)

New games by Orionsoft


The update improves video quality in the intro for Elansar and performance of the game. Its sequel Philia - which was previously a Falcon-only game - is now compatible with the FireBee. Both games can be played in fullscreen or in a GEM window, are multitasking friendly and feature colourful 16 bit graphics. Besides the FireBee, other high-end Atari-compatible benefit from the update too, such as the CT60 or systems with graphic cards.

Both games online for at least 5 Euro.

Just after this news was allready written, Orion released another game for the FireBee computer. This time it is a puzzle / platformer game in the pure style of old school pixel art, called Alice's Mom's Rescue. It is running fullscreen and it can be played only with USB keboard. We hope in future Atari keyboard will be also supported.
The game is available in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian languages and it is available on store for a small price.

Orion is a true multiplatform developer who has released games for multiple platforms, including the Falcon, Jaguar, Android, Windows and Mac. He recently ported his puzzle game Yopaz to the ST as a GEM game.

"Struggle for Printing"


Up until now, printing with a FireBee was only possible through a network and PHERP. But for a few months now, the team has been hard at work to get the parallel port working as well, in order to support, first and foremost, local printing.

With a new FPGA version, a new EmuTOS and an xdd (device driver) for FreeMiNT, printing with the parallel port is now also possible on the FireBee with EmuTOS and FreeMiNT - as long as it's running over EmuTOS. The parallel port is now working flawlessly.

What you will need:

• The new created by Medusa
• The newest , which was released on October 25th, 2015

These two components must be flashed into the ROM as usual with FLASH060.PRG from FireTOS.

• For printing under FreeMiNT you'll also need the new of Markus Fröschle, which belongs into FreeMiNT's xdd folder.

The long version of this "Never-ending Story":

Starting with the ongoing, overwhelming and - for the developers exasperatingly often re-emerging - wish of the project coordination to allow an all-encompassing usage of the FireBee by the end-users in all situations, and for all the use-cases they want, Wolfgang Förster asked a few smart questions to the team. They pertained to the non-functioning parallel port and the existing VHDL implementation. Wolfang also began to investigate the FPGA configuration and came up with a few rather plausible theories about the reasons for the non-functioning port.

Then, luckily, Roger Burrows and Markus Fröschle started searching for potential bugs in the parallel port at the same time as Fredi Aschwanden, all the while Mathias Wittau tried to butter up Miro Kropáček and/or Peter Persson to get them to invest their almost non-existent time in a workaround. Special praise is deserved by Rogers measurements on original Atari devices, without which many questions would have remained unanswered, and which only made this fix possible. Afterwards, several developers spent nights in front of the computer, poring over literature, creating various FPGA test-configurations and learning a lot of VHDL.

Through intelligent analysis of all the hereafter collected data, the problem could be identified by Markus Fröschle, and an approach for a solution for a working parallel port could be found. Naturally, a new FPGA configuration was then quickly created, one which was - in relation to the printing port - bug-free. It turned out, however, that there still was the problem that the port itself now indeed worked correctly, but approximately 40 times as fast as on original Falcons, because of which some system routines failed to use it. Therefore, Roger Burrows "quickly" rewrote EmuTOS to address this, and Markus Fröschle created an xdd for using the now-working printing port correctly under FreeMiNT as well.

Therefore, as of now, printing works fine with all printers over the parallel port, as long as EmuTOS or an EmuTOS-based FreeMiNT are used. FireTOS and also the official FreeMiNT setup with FireTOS are still waiting for things to come - namely, a similar patch as for EmuTOS. Once again, the indisputable advantages of open source have been demonstrated impressively. Luckily, we also do have licenses for the original TOS which at least enable us to solve the problem at some point in the future. After that, all NVDI- or Papyrus-printer-drivers should work as well.

The new EmuTOS also offers many other news for the FireBee such as AES improvements that allow to run many programs error-free (e.q. QED, which allows to print now perfectly fine anytime), BIOS improvements for automatic recognition of multiple IDE-buses, various EmuDESK optimizations and much, much more.

Have fun with your now-printing-enabled FireBees!

PIC Development Revived


He brings expert experience from his daytime job and can build upon the FireBee's code foundation layed by Alan Hourihane, Lyndon Amsdon and Fredi Aschwanden. Patrick will start to implement the PS/2 protocol making a third working interface for HID devices available to the FireBee. After a first analysis of what is available already as well as first practice tests with a development board, he's expecting substantial results by the end of this year.
Once this is finished, he's already planning further projects like game port, RTC improvements or a flash tool.

zView codecs


Lonny Pursell has written quite a few zView codecs and updated some older ones. He has rebuilt all in all 53 codecs to be FireBee compatible. Among the image formats like Neo, Pixart, POFO, STAD, Degas, IFF, Macpaint or Sun to name a few of them. But there are also some improved codecs like TGA or BMP and additionally 5 encoders as well. All codecs are LDG libraries and could thus be used by other applications than zView as well in future. Thanks to Uros Vidovic and Pierre Ton-That for testing. The can be downloaded directly.

(PDF 0,37MB)

FireBee Series 2 - Now open for pre-orders


As they have been sold out since 2014, but requests for more units were repeatedly made, we decided to produce another series. In order to pre-finance it completely, we would like to get 50 fixed pre-orders, and have 20 of those to make a down-payment of 200,- Euros. As soon as this number of pre-orders and advance payments has been reached, production will begin. Building the boards will take approximately 12 weeks after that. Ideally, those boards will still be shipped in 2015, if enough orders are made in the upcoming weeks.

Of course the FireBees of the 2nd series can also be bought without pre-orders after production has been completed. But every fixed pre-order allows us to begin production sooner!
Therefore, this would be a good time now to place an order, if you have already been thinking about getting a FireBee.

The production will be taking place at a Swiss assembling company. The good news is that we could lower the price to 560,- Euros per board. The bad news is that, originally, we had planned to surprise you with a massively reduced price of 460,-. But the cost reductions in computer hardware were completely nullified by the Swiss Franc exchange rate. After the Swiss National Bank lifted the minimum exchange rate with the Euro at the beginning of this year, the Swiss Franc soared up massively. As a consequence, the FireBee costs 560,- Euros again. Only Atari-friends within Switzerland can enjoy a deeply discounted FireBee. For everyone else, we were still able to provide at least a small price reduction.

As for the board itself, we decided - after giving it lots of consideration - to produce it 1:1 like the first series. There are a number of reasons for this:

- By re-using the existing films and skipping further prototypes (which would also have been necessary even for small changes), the price could be kept down.

- Since we produce in small series, any change in hardware carries the risk of a "support disaster". The need to consider the version of the board, or the firmware, for every customer request or when developing an application, and then having to create different versions of software / firmware / etc., could eventually end in a catastrophe. Ideas for making it cheaper, like using a smaller FPGA (which could be used directly thanks to PIN compatibility), were scrapped for the same reason.

- Requested smaller hardware changes have to be implemented for the 1. series as well anyway. For example, the IDE bus currently lacks two signals required for IDE-DMA operation. Since we can provide those with an add-on using the Expansion Socket, and since we have to provide a special cable for the 1. series anyway if DMA should become feasible, an adaptation of the new boards would not have been justifiable.

The computers will therefore be produced exactly like the 1st batch. All previous information and reviews still apply, and all existing software can definitely be used as well.

Fixed, binding pre-orders can now be made. Either the classical way, by sending an email to "acpinfo atari org", or by using the new online order form on If you want to order a mini-case for your FireBee, please specify the preferred color as well.

AHCC v5.2


As always there is as well a ColdFire Binary distribution provided at Henk Robbers website as well. News and improvements of the shell, the compiler, assembler, libraries an the calc are described at the changelog. goes online


Among them primarily that we should have a web site that is really usable for multilingual users and have editing by several editors and translators. A further important point is, that the Atari Coldfire Project got too widespread, that the information needs to be structured in kind of a Wiki format. We would like to have space for downloads and have a comprehensive support area. Furthermore we would like to present our products to be quickly accessible and more appealing. We would like a kind of online shop and even to present (external) software. Additionally to present the news in concise format and overall we like to be able to expand with adding new chapters and much more.

Unfortunately it took us longer than expected to get where we wanted to be with before it could go online before now. Although the backend was already coded for a long time, the front end or what the user saw the general lay out was also ready just not all the content was in place
until now. About 2 months ago we with the special thanks to the help ofthe now again publishing German print magazine ST-Computer, decided to work with full focus on it, and we were able to complete the current site. We already outlined the future basic structure with our self coded Content Management System. There shall be a larger portion of structured information, recent software, and interaction with the worldwide FireBee users. For example in the support area we have produced the information from the German language newtosworld Wiki, investigated it for accuracy, and added the new developments of the last few years and subsequently translated everything. Now we can offer you the most important recent downloads for the FireBee in the Flash components, Operating Systems and Development Environments. A further world premiere is that we now can offer the complete layout Data for KiCAD which are now Open Source, for download. shall rise. Beside German, English, French, Italian and Spanish, more languages will follow. Especially the support area we will fill continuously with background information and answers to many Frequently Asked Questions. Later in the the download area there will be a database with software that is working on the FireBee in an easy to use
format with references to various (external) programs and links.

As always our project is based heavily on user articipation. Those who would like to write articles, or like to highlight a specific capability of the FireBee, or who has extensive background to a particular ability, and those who can translate or proofread, please send in your texts and
contact us if you would like to contribute.

We are especially proud about the fact that the site was programmed so that it works on all Atari web browsers. Optimizations for the rendering with Highwire, CAB or Netsurf as well as being constantly improved.

Special Thanks to the about 10 people who invested a lot of time the last couple of weeks. Especially the translators and proofreaders which was difficult at times. Especially to all for contributing with this initial launch of the new site. With the launching of this new site with extensively more information on the FireBee we will also be informing you on how to preorder the 2nd FireBee series in the coming days. We hope that this new site is more informative and easier to navigate for improved communications with you, the user.



In an internal developer discussion, mostly between Olivier Landemarre, Roger Burrows and Markus Fröschle, the ACP developers recently debated how Freescale came up with a speed of 401 MIPS for the 266 MHz Coldfire processor. After speculating about MIPS, VAX and Dhrystones the developers agree only that they do not agree. Nonetheless, there is some fascinating material for end users.

In the course of this discussion the Dhrystone 2.1 benchmark was recompiled using GCC 4.6.4. We cannot keep the from you as, in spite of everything, they give a good comparison of the FireBee with EmuTOS (100% ColdFire native), FireTOS with cf68klib, Aranym (without JIT), an original Atari Falcon and TT, as well as a CT60. We know you tech nerds appreciate such a thing!

Have a nice summer!

AtariICQ 0.176 - Chat software


In the month of October 2012, Joakim Högberg had delivered a "pre-beta" version. Although the situation hasn't changed a lot, the software development has continued, and a new official version of the ICQ client is now available. The 0.176 version fixes several errors encountered, among others, in the memory management, overlay and shortcuts. AtariICQ is a program written in GFA -Basic with GBE from Lonny Pursell and runs on Atari Classic and Firebee (FireTOS, FreeMiNT). Since the 0.173 version, AtariICQ became freeware. The full list of changes and the download are available on the Atari ICQ website:

Linear Blue icon set v.1.2b for Teradesk


Version 1.2b of the 48pts 256 color Linear Blue icon set for Teradesk 4.06 is available for . The updated set includes 24 new entries for a total number of 202 icons. The desktop.inf configuration file for the FireBee setup is also up-to-date and most of the new icons are already set.

New GBE Release


This update addresses several installation problems reported by users. It's now much easier to install, as everything needed for coding and compiling is included in one archive. The default installation takes care of all the paths and commands for building 68K and Firebee binaries. Bugs have been fixed in nearly all the components. See the included documentation for details.

Installation instructions:
Download link:

Hopefully this helps get more users up and coding sooner on their Bees.

Askin gradients for XaAES


Philippe Noble recently released Askin, a new set of gradients and widgets for XaAES, with the aim to give the FireBee and other FreeMiNT platforms supporting TC video modes a nice and modern look. The Askin gradients were created to match the "Linear.48" sets of icons, but they should work well with most sets of icons.

As the informations available on the gradient format were limited and incomplete, Philippe had to find out by trial and error how to achieve the best looking results, with the support of the community and developers. A preview image and the latest version of the Askin gradients package is available at Philippe Web page:

In addition, to help other users to create their own gradients, Philippe wrote an handy howto guide available at:

As the gradients source files are in *.C Language, they need to be converted in the *.grd format before they can be imported in XaAES. A "Creating gradient - files" guide for AHCC (readme.txt), written by the FreeMiNT team, along with the sources of the XaAES default gradients, is downloadable at:

EasyMiNT 1.90b


Marc-Anton Kehr just made a new version of EasyMiNT that should run on firebee now.

He had some additions to ST support too but those are in alpha stage. Two things are not working until now on the firebee:

- the filesystem check during boot
- there will be no backup of an existing MINT folder, so you have to be careful!

Now the news:

- MiNT 1.19 and XaAES 1.6.4b are installed now
- firebee support
- ext2 filesystem on ST now
- substituted Teradesk with THING 1.29
- creating an ext2 partition works on the firebee, too.

The package is about 40Mb and can be downloaded there:

Please be careful, this is an early beta version!!

Furthermore he has compiled a version from E-Nick, the EasyMiNT Network Configurator with Coldfire support. You can get this on maankes homepage, too. Many thanks go to the developers who are working just for Freemint, especially Lonny Pursell, Vincent Riviere and Helmut Karlowski.

Have fun!